Saturday 27 April 2013

Yard Sale 2013

Today we did the yard sale again.  We did ok, but not brilliantly, certainly not as well as last year.  This could be for a number of reasons.  Firstly there seemed like there were less people, just a few less.  Then I suppose these are not good times for people economically, although that could make people buy more stuff second hand rather than new.  The weather was a bit patchy as well, there was sunny patches and rainy patches.  At about 12.45 there was quite a more persistent shower and quite a few people packed up then, even though it was supposed to finish at 2pm.  In the end I think the main reason I didn't do so well was that I didn't have as much stuff to get rid of as I thought I did.  I looked at it all once I'd got it out and thought "Is this it?"

Later on in the day the sun came out and we went to take the sign back to the organisers.  We spent some of our profits on a swiss roll at Colin's and all was right with the world.

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