Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday Aston church had a joint service with the Methodist church, where they start off at the Methodist church and walk to Aston C of E church behind one of the children dressed as Jesus would have done and riding a REAL donkey.  I was pretty impressed by this and apparently they do it every year.  This year they had a girl Jesus which was only fair, why should only boys get the fun of a donkey ride?  As we don't have very many real palm trees growing in Aston, they gave us some greenery from an evergreen tree to wave.  We all sang songs on the way to the church and when we got to the lych gate, everyone put their leaves on the ground for the donkey to walk on.  I didn't have a leaf.  In Jesus time people who didn't have leaves put their coats down for the donkey to walk on.  I had my good coat on so I wasn't about to chuck it on the ground for the donkey to walk over, especially as I've seen that donkey before and it doesn't really care where it does a poo.  It came in for a nativity service once and pooed on the church floor.  I guess the chances of it pooing at the precise moment it walked over my coat are quite low and if I was wearing an old coat I may have risked it. I like to think that if it was the real Jesus riding on a donkey and I was actually there at the time, that I would have put my coat down no matter how good I thought my coat was.  Anyway, I digress.  In church Tony did a family friendly interactive talk through what happened through the week coming up to Easter, which was very informative if you didn't know the Easter story.

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