Tuesday 27 March 2012

Messy Church

On Sunday we went to messy church, which they have in Weston village hall every now and again.  It was quite relaxed and informal.  They gave us coffee and croissants and the parents chatted while the kids did bible themed crafts, all related to a particular story, Moses today.  They wrote their name in heiroglyphics, did paper weaving, made mud bricks and made these origami frogs.  I need a picture really to describe the frogs, but I bought a memory card for the camera from Tesco and when I put it into the card reader in the computer, it kept crashing.  So unfortunately no picture of the wonderful legless frogs.  I was quite inspired by the whole origami thing and I wanted to make the frogs with legs like they did at the art room (in Long Eaton) but I guess these frogs were just the right difficulty level for kids to make.  They did jump too.  After that there was a story which they got the kids to act bits out of and some singing.  All in all I'd recommend messy church to families with young children as it is fun, friendly and informative, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone wanting an origami master class.

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