Sunday 1 April 2012

Easter Scramble

Yesterday it was the great Easter scramble.  The weather wasn't great but at least it wasn't raining, and weather is important for the Easter scramble as it involves walking around the village looking for clues, each which give a letter which then can be unscrambled to make a word.  Then the children pick out a stick with a number on and then they come back to Weston Village Hall and pick the Easter egg with that number on it. At the village Hall they then do some Easter crafts, making Easter bunnies and chicks, a bit of colouring, that sort of thing.  And of course no event like this would be complete without there being tea and coffee and assorted tasty cakes.  Despite the weather not being that great people turned up in the masses.  It was a great success.  The hall was heaving with people and the little park opposite was full of kids and parents who'd come outside to escape the noise and crowds.  Before the end they ran out of Easter eggs and were turning people away.  Next year it will probably cost 2 Easter eggs on non-uniform day. Or something.  Will be interesting to see what solution the PSFA come up with to prevent an Easter Egg shortage next year.

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