Thursday 4 July 2013

Girl Guides

There is a notice up in Weston village hall about the Guides.Weston Guides is in a bad position at the moment.  One of the leaders is stepping down and if no-one else comes forward to do the job then it will shut down.  This would be a shame as Aston Guides has already shut down, so Weston Guides takes in the girls from Aston as well.  The girls only option if this happens is to go to Scouts, which is already full to the seams and has a massive waiting list.  (These days, under equal opportunities laws girls can't be turned away from Beavers, Cubs or Scouts, and although these groups are still mainly boys, they do have girls in them). However I've never known any boys try to get into Rainbows, Brownies or Guides).

Girl Guiding is a great organization.  It teaches girls life skills, explores faith, encourages them to be kind and helpful to others and be community spirited.  They have great adventures and fun too.  They have experiences they may not normally have had otherwise.  It also helps to keep them out of trouble.  If anyone can step forward and become a Guide leader it would be much appreciated by Weston Guides, even if it's once a month on a rota basis.  It's on a Thursday evening.  While we're at it, Brownies and Rainbows need more leaders too.

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